This page is under the responsibility its director of publication – and the products we focus on or we promote are not linked to this page – Assuming that responsibility for health rests either with individuals or with society, it follows that society should also help to promote natural health and prevent disease.
LA VOIE DU CIEL °° / « La dualité objective, c’est la fusion de deux visions. » Claudemay – Les CONTRE deviendront les POUR, et les POUR seront toujours contre les CONTRE.
Why, because of the silence surrounding the genocide.
It is still a matter of finding viable solutions, not an escalation towards another world war – furthermore with the actual public deficit.
=> Use resources differently to (at least) try to save the living.
« What’s at stake in Ukraine – BioLabs- is not Ukraine: it’s the future of globalized, neoliberal, financialized, U.S.-ruled capitalism -«
Pfyzher « has reported its full-year 2023 financial results, revealing a decline in revenues of $58.5bn, a decrease of 42% from $100.33bn reported in 2022. »
« It is therefore possible to manipulate the nervous system of a subject by pulsing images displayed on a nearby » computer monitor or TV set (prehistoric).
Une question importante se pose : « Si nous pouvons modifier électroniquement les fréquences des ondes cérébrales en alpha ou en thêta, les humeurs ou les schémas de pensée d’une personne changeront-ils pour ceux qui sont généralement associés à ces fréquences ? » // A question of importance is: « If we can electronically shiſt the brain wave frequencies to alpha or theta, will a person’s moods or thought patterns change to those commonly associated with those frequencies? »
There may be secret doors of the earth, phenomenal subterranean passageways to other dimensions
« – Mitigating the risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority alongside other societal-scale risks such as « pandemies (which is to be honnest created by Bioweapon Labs P4 Lab etc etc Ukraine Labs etc etc and spreaded with imposed nocives medical tyranny) » and nuclear war.
– “The bottom line is this: the ‘death window’ for the vaccine isn’t days or weeks; it’s at least a year and possibly more”
and will not be charged to the vaccine, but to any accelerated disease.
Un peu de diversité pour noyer le poisson, diversité : Sens 1. Caractère de ce qui est divers, c’est-à-dire qui présente des caractères de nature ou de qualité différente.
Prevent for Earth / B.
« We must absolutely prevent the Earth from reaching the critical point where it is no longer being able to receive sufficient energy to power the magnetosphere, causing this to collapse, leaving the entire planet exposed to radiation without any possibility of reducing its strength, which will lead to widespread cancer, extinction of most of plant world and much more. No electrical equipment would work anymore for many years, as it works on the concept of double polarity, the negative phase (the Earth) and the positive phase (the Sun). With the fall of the magnetosphere, the solar energy would hit the Earth with sufficient power to have only one phase (the positive phase), therefore no double polarity. It is very similar to what happens, but for a short time, when a solar flare hits the Earth and causes a blackout over large territories. Imagine that this lasts for years and years.«
Proof Denied: Scientists Forced to Retract C19 Causes Cancer. Blood clots. The deaths observed so far are only a fraction of the deaths yet to come. ^ It appears that these clots take many months or even a year or two to grow to sufficient size to fully block blood vessels and arteries. » = it’s more than likely that your survival depends on it : 5 sprays under the tong/day : empty the bottle.
09/11 same – « What is being asserted as true… is a fantasy. » // Ce qui est affirmé comme vrai… est un fantasme.
Obstruction à la justice : la FDA refuse de fournir au Congrès des données sur la sécurité du « vaccin » contre la COVID, comme demandé // Obstruction of justice: FDA refusing to provide COVID "vaccine" safety data to Congress as requested
GEOENGINEERED HURRICANE IDALIA: Here’s why the superstorm was deliberately intensified and aimed right at Taylor County, Florida. Inflation and paying taxes for what ? :
« Celui qui contrôle la peur des gens devient le maître de leurs âmes. … Il y a deux manières de combattre : l’une avec les lois ; l’autre avec la force. »
Human right & Palestine // Covid-19: Israel’s very political vaccine success
DIRECTIVE / DIRECTION = » L’avenir du monde dépend d’une compréhension COMMUNE à toute l’espèce humaine de ce qu’est véritablement un être humain » = NO PASS ANYMORE / LET US HAVE THE CHOICE in Natural Alternative Solutions.
« The wheel turns because it is free, so the spirit // la roue tourne parce qu’elle est libre, ainsi l’esprit »
« Monarch Programming is a method of mind control used by numerous organizations for covert purposes. It is a continuation of project MK-ULTRA, a mind-control program developed by the CIA, and tested on the military and civilians. The methods are astonishingly sadistic » …
« Frenchelon » refers to the Anglo-Saxon program known as Echelon, combined with « French »
Using rhetoric reminiscent of Soviet leaders during the Cold War, Vladimir Putin also denounced Western « totalitarian liberalism » and said the offensive in Ukraine marked the beginning of a transition from a world marked by « American globalized egocentrism to a truly multipolar world. » « In most countries, people do not want such a life or such a future, » he added. « They are tired of kneeling and humiliating themselves before those who think they are exceptional.
Raguel ‘ makes sure that those who go against God’s will will be judged properly so that justice is done. Raguel is also known as the archangel of justice because his role is to make sure that justice is done. ‘
Human right & Palestine // Covid-19: Israel’s very political vaccine success
I support Paul Watson and Sea Sheaperd 22/07/2024 – Shame on them and the process with Interpol
… « and would destroy all of the allies of each side, and would severely contaminate even neutral countries, and end globally in a nuclear winter, which would possibly end all life as it has existed on this planet. » :
Crypto cloud ^^= « people who took mRNA vaccines are walking time bombs of cancer, since the presence of the spike protein achieves around a 90 percent suppression of double strand break (DSB) chromosomal repair capability, meaning that any source of ionizing radiation could set off widespread cancer tumor growth. » – 血栓形成是指血管、静脉或动脉被血凝块阻塞。其后果可能很严重:肺栓塞、梗塞(心脏病发作)或中风。还有一个深静脉血栓的威胁。有哪些风险因素?- A thrombosis is the obstruction of a blood vessel, a vein or an artery, by a blood clot. The consequences can be serious: pulmonary embolism, infarction (heart attack) or stroke. There is also a threat of deep vein thrombosis. What are the risk factors? – التخثر هو انسداد الأوعية الدموية أو الوريد أو الشريان بسبب جلطة دموية. يمكن أن تكون العواقب وخيمة للغاية: انسداد رئوي أو احتشاء (نوبة قلبية) أو سكتة دماغية. هناك أيضًا خطر الإصابة بتجلط الأوردة العميقة. ما هي عوامل الخطر؟ – Tromboz, bir kan damarının, bir toplardamarın veya bir atardamarın bir kan pıhtısı tarafından tıkanmasıdır. Sonuçları ciddi olabilir: pulmoner emboli, enfarktüs (kalp krizi) veya inme. Ayrıca derin ven trombozu tehdidi de vardır. Risk faktörleri nelerdir? – Trombos är att ett blodkärl, en ven eller en artär, täpps till av en blodpropp. Konsekvenserna kan vara allvarliga: lungemboli, infarkt (hjärtinfarkt) eller stroke. Det finns också en risk för djup ventrombos. Vilka är riskfaktorerna? -Тромбоз – это закупорка кровеносного сосуда, вены или артерии, сгустком крови. Последствия могут быть серьезными: легочная эмболия, инфаркт (сердечный приступ) или инсульт. Существует также угроза тромбоза глубоких вен. Каковы факторы риска?
Charge de radiation vitale / Charge of vital radiationEveiller un processus dans l'organisme d'auto-défense /
To awaken a process in the organism of self-defense
Why this molecule is great
Actuality – Hexagonal Water
Les ondes biologiques de fréquences / Biological waves of frequencies /Free_quencies^^